Thursday, August 9, 2012

Just Who Are We Talking About? (pt. 2)

“…the whole earth is full of His glory” (Isaiah 6:3)

Would we create a computer or robot, and then tell it “Go on, go your own way, I don’t really care what you do now?”  Not at all! If we make a robot, we’ve got plans for that robot! It’s not getting away with running off for its own purposes!

               Why should we get away with abandoning the plans of our Creator?

               Don't be mistaken--God doesn't need us.  He is sufficient in Himself—He is beyond needing anything we could give.  “The God who made the world and everything in it…is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything.” (Acts 17:24-25).  And He’s not lonely—there is fellowship between God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and He is also continually worshipped by the heavenly host.
        Yet He still made us for a purpose.  He made us for His pleasure and glory, to love and be loved, and to demonstrate His nature to all of creation, all angels and demons and supernatural beings.  And He designed us to reflect His nature: “Let us make man in our own image, in our likeness,” He said (Gen. 1:26).  We are His children, meant to be like Him in goodness and holiness.  Like children, we’ve messed up quite a bit, yet as discussed, He’s made a way for us to be restored and reconciled with Him.
        We’ve got to remember that once we are reconciled with Him, our purpose changes.  We no longer live for ourselves.  It’s not about me anymore.  I’ve accepted the greatest gift anyone could give me, and I show gratitude towards the Giver by giving Him my life, which belongs to Him anyway because He gave it to me.  Because He is my Creator and my Savior, He has the right to determine my life’s course.  This is truth for anyone who chooses God.
        It’s time for the American church to wake up and remember our purpose.  We’re not meant to just fight for our own freedoms so that we can keep saying what we want, critiquing our neighbor while we stay ensconced in our comfy, multimillion dollar buildings, and feeling satisfied and superior while the rest of the world perishes in ignorance.
        No! Let us fight, live, and die for the glory of God, who has shown us abundant mercy.  Let us remember when we too were ignorant of God’s righteousness, living in sin and futility.  Let us risk our comfort, our jobs, our safety to demonstrate the love of God in holiness, living as outsiders in this land “bearing the disgrace he bore” (Heb. 13:13).  Let us humbly seek the face of God Himself and be transformed into His likeness, not compromising for the sake of our comfort.
        “Come out from them and be separate, says the Lord.  Touch no unclean thing, and I will receive you…I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters”  (2 Cor. 6:17-18).
      Oh America, the land of the free! Will we risk our personal freedom for Him who grants true freedom? Will we surrender our wealth, our fame, for the fame of the holy God and the riches of His grace?
        Let us glorify Him.

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