Last week I posted about how our gifts to God say a lot about our
attitude towards Him. I realized I could
have worried some people with that post. Someone may have thought, “I’m not rich. I don’t have enough to make great
donations to the church or sponsor a child in Africa or fund an outreach. How do I give God what He deserves?”
Take heart! It's not the gift itself that God
looks at, but your heart in giving it.
The Jews of Jesus’ time misunderstood God's idea of giving. They thought if they gave a certain amount of
their wealth to the temple and tithed a tenth of their garden produce, then God
would look favorably on them. Even Jesus’
disciples may have thought this. But in
a visit to the temple, Jesus showed them what part of the gift really matters
to God.
“Jesus sat down
opposite the place where the offerings were put and watched the crowd putting
their money into the temple treasury. Many rich people threw in large amounts.
But a poor widow came and put in two
very small copper coins, worth only a few cents. (Mark 12:41-42)
Let’s stop right there. Two coins?
Just two small copper coins? If
we were watching this scene, we might think, “She’s just like Cain, giving only enough
to say she gave, but hardly enough to make a difference to anyone. She’s just
trying to act good without really loving God.”
Men look at the outer appearance, but God looks at the heart. Jesus recognized what was really behind that widow's gift.
his disciples to him, Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put
more into the treasury than all the others. They
all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in
everything—all she had to live on.”
(Mark 12:43-44)
Jesus knew that widow.
He knew how little she owned, and how much she still desired to give to
God. God valued that widow’s offering
more than the rest because even though she barely had anything, what she did
give spoke of her love and trust in Him.
If you feel you have nothing to give God, but still yearn to
show your love for Him, don’t be discouraged! Offer what you do have before
Him. Tell Him it’s all His, and trust in His blessing. He doesn’t compare gifts, only hearts. Our God delights most in the gift that speaks
of sacrificial love—love that will risk everything to honor Him.